G-Shock Unveil the Golden Tornado Series

Last updated: 15 Oct 2017  |  2561 Views  | 

G-Shock Unveil the Golden Tornado Series

We knew there were more 35th anniversary releases on the way, but we weren’t expecting them so soon – we’re both surprised and ecstatic! We’re not sure how the big G plan to outdo themselves with the next lot of special models, because the Gold Tornado series is pretty much perfect. There’s the Bluetooth-equipped GPW-2000TFB-1A, the carbon fibre GST-B100TFB-1A and everyone’s favourite, the Frogman. Each one is built on a black base, lined with red and accented with hits of gold. You’ll only get one chance to pick up these releases, so start saving and buttering up your local store staff – they’re set to hit stores in November and you don’t want to miss out.

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